Senin, 19 April 2010

tugas selanjutnya dari pa Hery Susanto adalah menuliskan prioritas hidup yang ada dalm diri mahasiswa/i 1 EA08
okey saya akn menuliskan prioritas hidup yang ada pada diri saya
adapun tingkatan prioritas tersebut adalah :
*sangat penting
*cukup penting
*tidak penting
*sangat tidak penting

-Sangat penting => prioritas yang sangat penting bagi saya adalah dapat membahagiakan kedua orang tua saya dengan menjadi anak yang soleh dan berhasil menjadi orang yang berilmu dan di butuhkan orang banyak

-Penting => berikutnya prioritas yang juga penting namun tidak lebih baik di bandingkan dengan yang pertama,yakni saya menguasai seluruh materi pembelajaran yang didapat dalm setiap kesempatan

-Cukup penting => di level ini saya memilih bersosialisasi sebagai media priorotas yang berikutnya,karena mencari teman itu juga hal yang diperlukan tapi tingkatanya tidak lebih tinggi dari prioritas untuk membahagiakan kedua orang tua saya

-Tidak penting => prioritas yang tidak penting dalam hidup saya adalah bersenang-senang,karena kalau kita bersenag-senang d awal maka akhirnya kita akan bersedih,namun apbila kta targetkan kesenagan itu datang di akhir maka semua akan terasa indah

-Sangat tidak penting => dan yang terakhir hal yang sangat tidak penting dalam hidup saya adalah menghambur-hamburkan uang

demikianlah prioritas hidup yang ada pada diri saya,semoga saya dapat menjalankan prioritas yang menuju pada tujuan hidup yang saya inginkan

Indra Rezkyana

History of internet


Internet have been found since 1969 by the ARPANET.Internet is a computer network established by the Department of Defense United States in 1969, through a project called ARPANET.we can perform communication in an infinite distance through telephone lines.The initial purpose of the project was for military.

At that time (U.S. Department of Defense) create a computer network system by connecting computers spread in areas vital to overcome the problem if there is a nuclear attack and to avoid any centralized information.

At first ARPANET link is only just 4 sites are the Stanford Research Institute, University of California, Santa Barbara, University of Utah, where they form an integrated network in the year 1969,and in general the ARPANET was introduced in October 1972,and then the project is growing rapidly in all regions, and all universities in the coiuntry wants to join. therefore ARPANET was split in two, namely "MILNET" for military purposes and ARPANET for non military purposes.Then both are combined into the internet.

And from now internet has been widely used by every people in the world

that's all history from internet that i can explain.i apologize if there are still many mistakes in the writing of the sentences because i am still in the learning process.hhi

wassalamualaikum wr.wb

indra rezkyana

my daily activity

My daily activity

MONDAY: I wake up clock morning 4.45 am. afterwards I go bath and shalat at my room. And breakfast of clock morning 6.00 am.then I stand by to go kuliah. clock 6.30 am I leave kuliah. arrive at campus 7.10 am. and I enter clock class 7.30 am up to clock 11.30 am. afterwards I go lunch and shalat dzuhur. I enter class return clock 12.30 pm up to clock 4.30 pm. later;then I shalat ashar and eat. clock 5.30 pm me of praktikum and shalat maghrib [of] up to clock 7.30 pm. after praktikum finish, I come home. gett home clock 8.30 pm. afterwards I take a bath and shalat isya' last dine. after dinner I prepare book for kuliah tomorrow and learn until clock 9.30 pm. finishing to learn me go to sleep.

TUESDAY & WEDNESDAY: I wake up clock morning 5.00 am. afterwards I go bath and shalat at dawn. my last [is] breakfast of clock morning 6.00 am. later;then I look on TV until clock 8.00 am. afterwards I stand by to go kuliah. clock 8.30 am I leave kuliah. arrive clock campus 9.10 am. and I enter clock class 9.30 am up to clock 11.30 am. afterwards I go lunch and shalat dzuhur. I enter class return clock 1.30 pm up to clock 5.30 pm. after Iesson finish me return to house . at arrival at home direct me take a bath. after my bath [is] shalat maghrib. last dine. after dinner I prepare book for kuliah until clock 9.30 pm. afterwards I sleep.

THURSDAY : I wake up clock 5.00 am, afterwards I go bath and dress then shalat at dawn. I breakfast of clock morning 6.00 am. afterwards I look on TV until clock 8.00 am. later;then Istand by for praktikum. clock 8.30 am I go to campus and arrive at clock campus 9.10 am. clock 9.30 am I come into column for praktikum. clock 11.30 am praktikum finish and I go out to eat and shalat. clock 1.30 pm I return to enter for secondary praktikum. clock 3.30 pm praktikum finish and I rush about to return home. clock 4.30 pm I get home, later;then I take a bath, afterwards I shalat and eat. after eating I look on TV until clock 9.00 pm. later;then I go to sleep.

FRIDAY : I wake up clock 5.00, afterwards I go bath and dress then that shalat subuh.Setelah [is] Saya clean house until clock of 07.00 of wib.Jam of my 08.00 wib [is] nonton tv until clock of 11.00 wib.Setelah that I learn until clock of 13.00 wib.Setelah that I direct [of] my shalat zhuhur.Setalah shalat zhuhur eat siang.Setelah lunch me sleep day until jan 16.00 wib.Setalah develop;build direct me [of] my shalat ashar.Setalah shalat [is] direct [of] that mandi.Setelah [is] I look on tv until clock of 17.45 wib.Setalah that I my shalat magrib.Setelah shalat magrib eat that malam.Setalah [is] I learn until clock 21.00 wib.sebelum sleep me of my shalat isya.Setelah shalat isya [is] direct sleep.

SATURDAY : I wake up at clock 5. afterwards I go bath and shalat at dawn. clock 6 me of morning breakfast with family. later;then I look on TV until the clock 9. afterwards I go to my friend house to do duty until clock 4 evening. afterwards I return home. then I take a bath and shalat ashar. afterwards I look on TV until clock 17.30. clock 18.00 me of shalat maghrib. after my shalat dine. clock 19.30 me of shalat isya'. afterwards I look on TV until Clock 21.00 then go to sleep.

SUNDAY :I wake up clock 5. afterwards I go bath and shalat at dawn. clock 6.30 breakfast me. later;then I look on TV until clock 7.30. afterwards I play to my friend house until clock 12 evening. afterwards I return home. then I eat and shalat dzuhur. afterthat I look on TV until clock 17.30 afterthat I take a bath. clock 18.00 me of shalat maghrib. after my shalat dine. clock 19.30 me of shalat isya'. afterwards I look on TV until clock 21.00 then go to sleep.

Indra Rezkyana



biodata saya

Introduce My Self

My name is indra,a boy which born in town of Jakrta,10 December 18 years ago.Talking about complete name gift of my perents,my name is Indra Rezkyana.For that you can call me with Indra.I am second child from three brother.I have two brother and i twin brothers.

I live in Jakarta at Centex street near the 58 Senior high School.

About my education, to finish my education from nursery school until senior hight school in Ciracas Jakarta Timur.First enter nursery school in the year 1996.And finishing middle education at school for in the year 2009 with majors of social science.

Now I study in one of university in Jakarta,Gunadarma University.In here,I take majors of Manajemen.With Majors which I take,I hope so that I can become one who tired ,and get what have envision during the time.

Indra rezkyana

